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Freek Hough

Name and surname Freek Hough. All online services for meaning, origin and compatibility of the name and surname Freek Hough.

Freek name meaning

Name meaning of Freek. What does the name Freek mean?


Freek name origin

Origin of the name Freek.


Freek name definition

Define first name Freek.


How to spell Freek

How do you spell Freek in different countries and languages?


Freek in other languages

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Freek compatibility with surnames

Freek name compatibility test with surnames.


Freek compatibility with other names

Freek compatibility test with other names.


Names that go with Hough

Most common and uncommon names with surname Hough.


Freek best name meanings: Mindful, Modern, Friendly, Cheerful, Lucky. Get Freek name meaning.

Freek name origin. Dutch short form of Frederick. Get Freek name origin.

Transcription or how to pronounce the name Freek: FRAY:K. How to spell Freek.

Synonymous names for Freek in different countries and languages: Bedřich, Fedde, Federico, Federigo, Fiete, Fred, Freddie, Freddy, Frederick, Frederico, Frederik, Fredo, Fredric, Fredrick, Fredrik, Frédéric, Fricis, Friderik, Frīdrihs, Friduric, Friedrich, Frigyes, Friðrik, Fritz, Fryderyk, Veeti. Get Freek in other languages.

Most common names with last name Hough: Chris, Roseanne, Kirk, Emely, Julie Ann. Get Names that go with Hough.

Freek Hough similar names and surnames

Freek Hough Bedřich Hough Fedde Hough Federico Hough Federigo Hough Fiete Hough Fred Hough Freddie Hough Freddy Hough Frederick Hough Frederico Hough Frederik Hough Fredo Hough Fredric Hough Fredrick Hough Fredrik Hough Frédéric Hough Fricis Hough Friderik Hough Frīdrihs Hough Friduric Hough Friedrich Hough Frigyes Hough Friðrik Hough Fritz Hough Fryderyk Hough Veeti Hough